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The Start of a New School Year in Mixed Age!

Good Afternoon Jack and Jill Families!

We had an amazing first week of school! I am so thankful to have been able to start off my first year at Jack and Jill  with all of the wonderful children we have this year.  This week our theme in the classroom was our families. The children have really loved being able to look at their family pictures on the wall throughout the day, and have especially loved telling myself and Mrs.Haynes about them! Everyone is doing an incredible job getting used to the schedule and routines as well. 

Math centers this week included sorting fruit and corresponding colored bowls.

Discovery center consisted of over sized magnetic balls and rods. Everyone really enjoyed these!

Sensory play this week was beach themed. It was filled with sand, seashells, blue and green stones (or treasure some of the children might say!), funnels, and shovels. This will be in the sensory area for the remainder of September and will be replaced next month.

At the writing center we had different worksheets and coloring pages that were welcome to preschool themed!

The art center was a hit this week. We had small houses that the children were able to color, which made way for lots of fun conversations about our houses and who lives in each one. I loved learning about everyone's pets and siblings! As you may have found in your child's backpack, we also had a printed back to school page, where each child was able to choose ink, paint, or tracing for their hand prints. At the easel center everyone was able to use dot markers to color owls, or create something of their own on blank paper.

The books we read this week were:

Pete The Cat Rocking in my School Shoes

How Do Dinosaurs Go To School

Fishy Fishy Goes to School

Friday we introduced music and movement, and it was so much fun to see everyone dance to the Sit Down Stand up Song! We were all a little tired after that one!

Ultimately, Mixed Age had a lot of fun this week! Next week our theme will be apples, and we will be having a tasting with the different types ( red, yellow, green ). If you would rather your child not participate in this activity, please reach out! I have attached a few pictures from the week in this email below. And of course if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and we will see you all again next week!


Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs. Haynes


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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