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This Week in the 3's!

Good afternoon families! That was a quick week, but we packed in a lot of fun in a short amount of time. Today we had our monthly visit from Mrs. T. She brings her guitar and leads us in movement songs and stories. The children always have a blast when she comes!

This week at MORNING MEETING we read Big Box of Shapes by Wiley Blevins. This book is about two children, Lulu and Max. Lulu and Max find a big box of shapes in their house. They take turns pulling shapes out of the box and make different things with them. Together they make a house, a happy face and a truck. We also played our Little Mouse game again. The kiddos had fun finding the mouse behind different shaped houses.

Here’s what’s NEW in CENTERS!

Discover Center: Animal matching puzzles

Art: The students did some stamping this week. They used circle, square, rectangle, oval and diamond shaped stampers and ink pads to make beautiful artwork.

Easel: The children used one of their favorite art materials: dot markers! They used the markers to fill in circle, square and rectangle papers. They are still on the drying rack, so they will go home next week.

Math: The kiddos learned how to use spinners in this center. Each spinner has sections for red, blue, green and yellow. We had cups full of the matching color pom poms. They used tongs to pick up the matching color pom pom to "feed" it to the turkeys (made out of plastic drink bottles). This activity provided an opportunity for the students to work on the following skill areas: fine motor (building strength in the small muscles of the hands and fingers, color matching, visual motor (looking at where the tongs are with their eyes and coordinating with the muscles in their body in order to pick up the pom pom/put it in the bucket, and lastly, practice using game pieces. There was a lot of learning happening at this center today!

Literacy Cart: Children used felt pieces to explore the habitat of a tree. There were pieces depicting all the different things that live in or nearby a tree: a big tree trunk, animals, insects, leaves and plants.

Lastly, occasionally Mrs. Renoni and I will share a "wish list" with you. We are so grateful for all of the donations that families bring in from our school Giving Tree. Moving closer to winter we use a lot of cleaning items. Our class could use some extra of these items: paper towels and disinfectant wipes would be greatly appreciated! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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