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Week 10 in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We didn’t have a letter of the week this week due to the Wednesday Holiday, but we were still busy. The children made their turkey hats for the upcoming friendship feast ( November 24th). A highlight of the week was Tuesday's super hero day! The children had a blast playing super heroes on the playground and stayed in character all day! We had a mix of indoor and outdoor recess today! We were outside for 20 minutes and then it started pouring so we headed inside to finish with some time on an obstacle course!

I asked the children what super power they would choose.

Next letter is U, Show and tell on Tuesday for letter U.

This is what went on in the centers this week!

Dramatic Play- The Mexican Restaurant is still a busy place.

Playdough Table- This month at the table the playdough is brown, and there are feathers, google eyes and pipe cleaners, To make Turkeys! Each month the color changes, as do the items to create.

Art Easel- The children were given a paper with a turkey head and body and it was up to them to add the feathers using finger paints. They are hanging on the bulletin board and I will take a picture to send in my next newsletter!

Discovery Table- Discovering the 5 senses..

Writing Table- Coloring a turkey. Letter Review.


Art Table- This week we worked on our turkey hats. Turkey Paper Bag puppets.

This weeks Reading Street book was… Over in the Meadow

A picture-book version of the popular classic Appalachian counting rhyme. Readers can practice their counting skills as they read about the activities of the many different animals that live in the meadow. Color illustrations accompany the rhyming text. Ask you child what a meadow is, and what are some of the animals that live in a meadow.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Robin Pascal


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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