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Week 11 in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a great week in Pre-K 2 this week, and the children are excited about our friendship feast on Tuesday. Thank you to the parents that asked if I needed anything, it is tradition that PRE-K brings the popcorn! We will be popping it Tuesday morning together as a class. The class did a great job learning our Turkey song that we will be preforming for the school ( outside , socially distanced from the other classes).

We are working to build skills and independence with our class, to better prepare them for the next step to Kindergarten. We ask that you please send in mittens, that your child can put on by themselves. The gloves are proving very difficult for some of the children. Please send a hat and mittens in with your child everyday. It is better to have them and not need them than to not have them at all.

This is what we did…

Art Easel- The children designed umbrellas!.

Discovery Table- This week at the table there were 10 locks and 10 sets of keys. The children had to try and unlock all of the locks. They had to Unlock!

Art Table- This week at the art table the children made an Underwater scene , Umbrella with rain drops and a Unicorn. ( My apologies for all the glitter, but a unicorn has to have it!)

Sensory Table- Sand.

This weeks Reading Street book was… Fishy Tales- This book was all about animals that live in the Sea. Vocabulary words from the book were; sea, shark, dolphin, coral, sea horse , eel, starfish, ray, and shark.

Reading Street Book song- What do you see Under the Sea?

Letter of the week song- Glub, Glub, Glub!

No letter of the week next week, due to a short week.


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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