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Week 2 in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a great week in Pre-K and the children are really getting used to our schedule. We started the Reading Street curriculum this week. Our focus this week was all about different jobs people have.

This is what is going on in our centers!

Dramatic Play Center- The children are still enjoying the kitchen and the home” theme in this center. The dramatic play area changes monthly.

Art Center- This week the children used real apples to make apple prints. Look for the star in the middle!. These paintings will be part of their portfolios. Some were also sent home.

- This week the children could make a mosaic apple, using 2 different mediums. The first was a larger apple, made with tissue paper pieces. The second, was a smaller apple with construction paper squares.

Easel- Painting with Q-Tips , fall pictures

Math Center- sorting by color.

Discovery Table- This week at the discovery table the children did some measuring. They used wooden cubes to measure some pictures of items and then they were asked to trace their hands and measure. They counted the cubes to report the length!

This weeks Reading Street book was…Guess Who? By Margaret Miller

Guess Who? Is like a guessing game. The book asks the reader to guess who does something like ”cuts your hair”. The question if followed by four choices ( all very silly ones!), all of which are incorrect. Then the correct choice is given on the next page. The photographs cover a wide variety of animals and people. The text provides many new words to learn and use.

**Each week I will tell you the book we read and give you a short summary, so you can talk to your child about the bookJ.

We always read the reading Street book twice in one week. There is always a song that goes with the book. We sing the song and then read the story. We also sing the song on the other 2 days when we are not reading the book.

This week, by the second day, the children knew the words and were singing along!” The song was “Everybody has a Job”. I ask the children many comprehension questions after the story.

The children also learned a song from our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. “Where do you start your letters?” ( at the top!) As I told them… Every. Single. Time.

**** On Monday we will start our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.

To reinforce the letter we learn each week we will be having SHOW AND TELL TUESDAYS.

This Tuesday 9/22, the letter is “L”. (We will not be going in alphabetical order , because the curriculum is designed to teach letters by stroke. First are the vertical and horizontal letters.)

SHOW AND TELL TUESDAYS- On Tuesdays please have your child bring in an item that starts with the Letter of the week. I will let you know that letter in an email the week before.

It can be anything! A toy, a picture, a book. This helps to reinforce the sound the letter makes.

There will be OPTIONAL homework sent home on Monday. Your child can bring it back any day during the week ( or not at allJ).

Have a wonderful weekend! J

As always please email me with any questions/concerns


Robin Pascal


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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