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Week 3 in Mixed Age

Hello All,

We all had a wonderful week this week, the kids are doing a super job throughout the whole morning and have been working together!! They have been enjoying the centers and dancing during music time. We talked about the new season and have been doing calendar time each day. They are learning the days of the week and what month we are in as well as counting all the numbers on the calendar.

Here is what we had at the centers:

Math Table~ Numbers 1-10 cards with links.

Discovery Table~ Small cups to build with. They enjoyed stacking them, lining them up and making structures with them.

Art Table~ Name Pencils Activity; they had to glue the letters of their name together, add the eraser and then the pencil tip. They were able to color the tip with a color that they wanted. There will be a picture to follow next week with them all hanging on the bulletin board. There was plain paper to color on at the table as well, some of them really like to do free art!!!

Easel~ Painting with paper towel tubes using red or yellow paint!!

Listening Center~ We are the Dinosaurs By Laurie Berkner

We have 1 more week with the sensory bins filled with sand as well as the play-dough that is red and green. Both of these centers are very busy and they have been working hard remembering to get their own bins off the shelf when they go to the center.


The Apple Pie Tree By Zoe Hall

Brown Bear, Brown Bear By Bill Martin Jr.

There was an Old Lady that Swallowed a Shell By Lucille Colandro


Bear Hunt

Silly Bear Hunt (a class favorite)

Animal Action 1 & 2

We are the Dinosaurs

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!!!


Julie Haynes


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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