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Week 4 in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone!

Another great week! The days are going by very quickly in our classroom. Everyone is very busy during Center Time each day. You may have heard that we did Apple Tasting at our Discovery Table this week. Each child had an opportunity to come over with me and sample a red, green and yellow apple. They then voted on what their favorite was. I attached a picture of the chart so you can see the results! The enthusiasm this class has for our activities each day brings me a lot of joy!

Our Letter of the Week was F. The children are working really hard at the letter sounds. Our list of words that began with F was quite long. We add to the list each day as the children come up with more words. Our song this week was Five Fat Cats.

This week's Reading Street book was We Need Construction Workers by Lisa Trumbauer. "Simple text and photographs present construction workers (both male and female) and their role in the community". Our song to go along with our book was We Are Builders. Our Amazing Words were buildings, hammers, lumber, pound, wear (hard hats, tool belts, work boots) and community.

The other books we read this week were The Busy Building Book by Sue Tarsky, Ebb and Flo and the New Friend by Jane Simmons and we listened to Froggy Builds a Treehouse by Jonathan London (make sure to ask what Froggy likes to have on his pizza).

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: Doodle Boards, F Booklets & F Worksheets

Discovery Table: Magnet Building & Apple Tasting

Math Table: Geoboards......houses, castles, guitars and shapes were being made here

Art Easel: Painting on foil

Fish....watercolor paint (as one friend said the "paint was shimmery", dot markers and jewels

Painting an apple

Art Table: Stamping Letters

Free Art....white paper, jewels, markers

Flamingo Craft...the children worked hard ripping construction paper for the body. I attached a picture of some of the flamingos that were made.

There are some other pictures attached to show the fun we had this week!

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be E. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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