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Week 5 in 3's

Weekly Update!

We are having so much fun at school! The children are starting to learn each other’s names. We are talking a lot about using our words to ask for a toy, or to tell a friend that it is, “My turn.” We are also working on cleaning up toys at the end of center time. We give the children a 2-minute heads-up that centers will be all done. When they hear the train song (“The Reading Train” by Rick Goldin) on the speaker they know it is time to stop playing and put the toys in the buckets. We are AMAZED at how quickly the children have picked up this concept. Great work girls and boys!

This week at CIRCLE TIME we read a story called Where is the pumpkin? A cat wanders around a farm searching for a pumpkin. He finds lots of things and animal friends along the way, until he finally finds the pumpkin! We sang our feelings pumpkin song again. We learned sign language for HAPPY, SAD, GRUMPY, SILLY and TIRED. Ask your child if they remember any of the signs that we learned!

Here is what’s NEW in centers:

Art/Fine Motor: Children used dot stickers to fill in a paper pumpkin. The boys and girls really enjoy using stickers. Stickers are a great activity for strengthening the small muscles in their fingers. They also painted a puffy paint pumpkin.

Discovery Bins: SHAVING CREAM! We got messy this week playing with shaving cream. We had paint brushes available for the kiddos that chose not to get their hands dirty.

Sensory Bins: We added acorns to the macaroni bins this week. The children like scooping and pouring the macaroni and acorns.

Red Bins: We added a car garage to this center. The children LOVED driving the cars up and down the ramps. Lots of sharing going on in this center!

Playdough Bins: Orange playdough (made by our playdough expert, Mrs. Renoni), google eyes, mini shape erasers to make pumpkin faces. The kiddos are learning how to roll out the playdough and press the cookie cutter into the playdough to make a pumpkin. It’s hard work, but they are doing a great job!

Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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