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Week 8 in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

The children could feel fall in the air this week! They waited all month to tell me and their friends what they were dressing up as for Halloween. We did a question of the day, today, which we occasionally do when we have time. The children will each have a turn to answer the question asked. This week the question was… what are you dressing up as for Halloween? I love hearing the excitement in their voices! Today we decorated pumpkins, played musical chairs and enjoyed a Halloween cupcake!

Next week’s letter is I.

Show and tell for letter I will be on Tuesday.

This is what went on in the centers this week!

Dramatic Play- It was our last week with the Pumpkin and Apple stand- We will miss the pies, but it’s time for a new theme here!

Art Easel- The children painted spider webs.

Discovery Table- The children had a chance to make a Pumpkin Life Cycle bracelet. They used colorful beads to represent each phase of a pumpkins life cycle. White bead represents seed, green bead is sprout, yellow bead for the flower, green bead for the green pumpkin that will turn to…orange pumpkin! Today we cut a pumpkin a pumpkin and pulled out the insides! Not everyone wanted to!

Art Table- We made T-Tigers, Teddy Bears and torn tissue turtles.

This weeks Reading Street book was- What do you do with a tail Like this? A nose for digging? Ears for seeing? Eyes that squirt blood? We explored the many amazing things animals can do with their ears, eyes, mouths, noses, feet, and tails in this interactive guessing book, beautifully illustrated in cut-paper collage, which was awarded a Caldecott Honor. We talked about the special things animals can do ( with their eyes/ears/nose/mouth), that it’s like having a super power. We all took a turn saying which super power we liked the best and what animal it was that had it.

Reading street song- Tell me what you know.

Letter T song was “Tam put on a tank”

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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