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Week of January 11th in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

I have to start this email by telling you how truly special this class is! They are so kind and caring to each other and towards me. We spent some time this week, talking about the reason we don’t have school on Monday. We learned a song about Martin Luther King Jr. and I told them what a wonderful man he was. We talked about treating people with kindness, no matter what the color of their skin is, or if they are different than you. They all had things to add, wonderful, kind thoughts and feelings. One being ,"the biggest difference we have is the color of our hair". Through the eyes of children! That is the big difference! Bravo parents!! These feelings and thoughts start at home!

This is what went on in the centers this week!

Dramatic Play- The skating rink is home to some wonderful ice shows!!

Playdough- The children love making snowmen with the white glitter playdough, adding a hat, eyes, carrot nose and scarf.

Art Easel- Puffy paint snowmen.

Discovery Table- To expand on our Reading Street book, the children were given a white egg that had been soaked in Cola . Their job was to use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean the damage from the sugary drink! We talked about foods that make teeth happy and foods that make teeth sad.

Art Table- G is for Giraffe, G is for Gumball machine.

The Reading Street book this week was “Somebody Stole My Smile!” by Carmen Tafolla. Our reading selection this week was all about how things grow and change. The girl in our story is growing up. She lost her first tooth. She learns that many things grow and change.

Reading Street song- I lost a Baby Tooth!

G-Song- Get Going Get Going.

********Next week letter of the week is S- Show and tell on WEDNESDAY.*********


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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