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Week of January 19th in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

It was a short week, with the Monday holiday, but we managed to squeeze a lot in!

This is what went on in the centers this week!

Dramatic Play- The skating rink with hot cocoa is still a popular place to visit!

Playdough- The children love making snowmen with the white glitter play dough, adding a hat, eyes, carrot nose and scarf.

Art Easel-Stained glass paintings. We used painters tape and created beautiful stained glass type paintings!

Discovery Table- This week at the discovery table the children learned about absorption. They used droppers to wet pieces of cotton to see how much liquid it could hold. Then they squeezed the cotton to measure the amount of liquid. They also tested different items to see if the items absorbed the liquid.

Art Table- S Salty names. This was a lot of work for the children and they did a great job! They had to write their name, trace it in glue, cover with salt and then add droplets of paint. They loved watching the salt and glue absorb the paint color! S- Sequined seahorses. Snowmen for our bulletin Board. SUPER HERO MASKS!

The Reading Street book this week was “Growing Like Me” by Anne Rockwell. Everything in nature grows up--just like you and me! It's springtime, and the local pond is bursting with new life. Shiny black pollywogs are growing into fat frogs, and baby robins hatch from pale blue eggs. The blackberry bushes are full of sweet, juicy berries, and new monarch butterflies emerge from their cocoons. We talked about the way we have grown and changed since babies. Song was – “I am Growing”.

S-song Let’s Set Sail

Next letter is J, show and tell for J is on Tuesday

Have a great weekend!

Miss Pascal


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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