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Week of January 25th in the 3's

Good afternoon 3’s families,

Can you believe January is almost over?! Valentine’s Day is just a couple weeks away. Mrs. Lay will be giving you more information in the February Newsletter, but I wanted to give you some quick info pertaining to our class. For Valentine’s Day, the children are welcome to exchange valentines (optional). NOTE: NO FOOD ITEMS please! Valentines should be sent in your child’s backpack by Thursday, February 11th. On Friday, February 12th we will have a little celebration. We will deliver valentines to friends’ bags (we will supply bags and decorate in school) and decorate a sugar cookie (made by Mrs. Renoni). Feel free to dress your child in festive colors! If you do not want your child to participate in sharing valentines, please let me know ASAP.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us!

This week at CIRCLE TIME,

· We had a special treat! We live-streamed music and movement with Mrs. T! Mrs. T has been a regular visitor to Jack & Jill for many years. Although she cannot visit the school in person this year, she broadcasts her music and storytelling program. We watched Mrs. T lead us in songs and dances on the projector screen! Check out a photo attached!

· Because our story time is AFTER centers, I wanted to read a book to preview our Valentine’s Day themed activities for next week. I read Llama Llama, I love you! by Anna Dewdney.

What’s new in CENTERS this week?

Art: Students used paintbrushes to make puffy-paint snowmen. They painted first, and then added eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, arms and hat.

Discovery Bins: We brought the snowball toss back! The kiddos LOVED this activity a couple weeks ago, so we brought it back.

Yellow Bins: Shape matching puzzles. The children are getting really good at finding the correct spots for the puzzle pieces.

Blocks Bins: Still enjoying the wooden blocks and little people. The boys and girls make lots of towers and castles!

Red Bins: More time to practice turn-taking and cooperative play with the doll house.

Chalkboard/Writing Center: This week, the children had free reign of the chalkboard. They drew pictures, lines and letters.

Pretend Center: This is our last week with the ice cream shop! The students have had lots of fun making ice cream treats for their peers and teachers.

Have a wonderful weekend. We look forward to seeing you next Thursday.

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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