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Welcoming 2023 in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age Families,

Welcome back to school and Happy New Year, hard to believe it is 2023. The school year is going by so quickly and it next year school choices are coming up and our Open house is on January 28; hope to see you all there. Everyone has settled nicely back into the routine of our day and has adjusted well to using the planning chart during our choice time.

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Numbered mittens 1-10 and clothespins

Discovery~ Earlier in the week we had penguins frozen ice, they used salt to melt the ice to try to get the penguins free. yesterday we had an ice block that was used as a slide for the penguins to go down as well as items to build their own slide for the penguins to slide down. Today we just had penguins and other Arctic animals and different size clear cups to build houses with.

Easel~ Painting with BIG marshmallows and today they had free art using markers.

Art/Writing Table~ Name snowmen now hanging on the bulletin board and watercolor winter picture. There was also coloring sheets and markers and crayons.

Sensory Table~ Potato flakes, construction trucks and signs as well has wooden blocks. This has been a popular place all week.

Pretend Center~ Is now a winter wonderland with ice fishing, snowman making (cardboard boxes wrapped in paper), hot chocolate and lots of mittens and gloves and scarves in case it gets cold! They enjoyed making the snowman and today some of them were building an ice castle!

Play-doh~ Is now a sparkly white that smells like spearmint. There are snowman pieces to make snowmen with.



Polar Bear, Polar Bear

Grumpy Monkey

Mitten Mystery


We are the Dinosaurs


Raindrops keep Falling on my head

Body Rock


Important information: If you are bringing in new Ziploc bags of extra clothes please remember to put them on the shelf above the coat hooks when you drop off your child. We typically do not look in backpacks during the day so we don't know they are there. Thank you in advance.

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm and dry!!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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