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Welcoming 2025 in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello & Happy New Year to All,

The children were very excited about the new centers for January. Our Pretend Center has changed to a Doctor's Office. There are many babies waiting for their check-ups. The children are checking their hearts, blood pressure, temperature and some babies are even being wrapped in gauze due to boo-boos. There are many caring doctors in our class.   

At the play doh table we had different color play doh and craft sticks. The children were using the playdoh to hold the sticks together to build. One friend even asked for a fork so they could create Forky.          

It was the last week of our Sensory Table being full of all different materials, tape, scissors & hole punchers. Lots of fun, creativity and practice of scissor skills continued.  


Because there were only 2 days of school this week, we took a break from learning a new letter and Reading Street. We read The Perfect Fit by Naomi Jones & reviewed shapes. 

Other activities in our classroom this week were: 

Math: Fruit counters/color sorting 

Discovery: Ice habitat building for penguins 

Project Table: Name Snow-globes..the children would writie each letter of their name on a snowball, then worked on cutting/glueing the snowballs to the globe and finally colored it in.  


Art Easel: New Year Coloring Sheets....these will also be available on Monday due to the children's' request 😊 


Listening Center:  Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter by Kenard Pak.  

Looking ahead, Show & Tell on Wednesday will be for Letter S. 


It has been very COLD at recess.  Please make sure to send a hat and mittens to school every day. These should not be in the children's backpacks but in the sleeve of their coat as we grab our coats only when we go out for our first recess. 



Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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