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Welcoming November in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had lots of fun playing and learning at school this week. We also welcomed a new friend to our class. Welcome Elizabeth and Family! The students were very excited to meet her and show her all the things in our classroom. We were so busy this week that I forgot to take pictures of center time. More photos coming next week!

HATS and MITTENS: Colder weather is coming and I wanted to ask for your help with something. If your child needs a hat and/or mittens for recess, please put the mittens in the pockets of your child's coat OR stick them inside the hat. THEN, stick their hat in the sleeve of their coat. This will make it much easier for them to locate their hat and mittens when we get dressed to go outside. Also, your child may only wear gloves with fingers if they can put them on independently. If you would like your child to keep an extra pair of mittens at school in case you forget one day, feel free to send in a pair in a labeled ziplock bag. Thank you for your cooperation!


Weekly Story: "Bear Says Thanks" by Karma Wilson

Rhyme: We learned our Thank You song that the children will be performing at our upcoming Friendship Feast

Seeds of STEM Focus: We are still talking about problems, solutions and engineers.

This week during SMALL GROUPS, we:

* Did some informal assessment things with Mrs. Daday because report cards will be coming up at the end of the month.

* Shared our show and tell problems and solutions.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- Halloween beaded bracelets, quilts (just like in our "Bear Says Thanks" book) and partner painting at the easel

Blocks- wooden blocks, trains and railroad track rug, little people and ponies

Dramatic Play- Birthday Party, with cake, cupcakes, birthday plates, birthday hats, baby dolls and presents

Writing/Library- Books about Thanksgiving and friendship, Thank You books to color

Playdough: purple, cupcake wrappers, candles, gems and beads for decorating Math- Light Box with pattern making toys Science- fine motor practice with potato heads and gears playset

Sensory Table- sand, shovels, buckets and trucks

Community Helper Visits: This week two swim teachers from Goldfish Swim School in North Attleboro came to tell us about their job. They also taught the students a little about water safety. If you are interested in swim lessons, feel free to check them out at Thanks for visiting!

Lastly, just a reminder to switch over your child's extra clothes to warmer items if you haven't already. The clothes bags are located on a little cart right at our doorway and I'd be happy to help you switch them out at drop-off. Thanks and have a great weekend!


Brenda Daday


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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