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Winter Wonders in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hi All,


Important information: 


Please be sure to send snow gear in with your children. 


Valentine's Day Info ❤ 


The Valentine's Dance is Thursday, February 13th from 6-7pm. I hope to see you there!


We will be exchanging valentines in our classroomn on Friday, February 14th.  We have 9 children in our class.  As far as delivering cards it is easiest if you send in the valentines just signed by who it is from and leave the "to" blank.  We are a nut-free school and are asking that food and candy not be sent with the valentines. Stickers, tattoos, pencils, etc are a good alternative if you would like.


Also, please send in a Valentine mailbox for your child. The children can make this out of a box (tissue box/shoebox) or bag. Please make sure to put your child's name on their mailbox. Feel free to even put their picture on it. Have fun making it! If you have any questions, just let me know.  


We had a great week in our classroom. The Letter of the Week was  B and our song was A Bunch of Baby Beavers. We took a break from the Reading Street Curriculum and instead focused on a very importaint thing-being kind. We read I Am (Almost) Always Kind and listened to Henry and Ella's Big Jar of Kindness. We taked as a class about what it means to be kind. We also read Snow Day. 


Other activities: 


Our Pretend Center is a Grocery Store which is a big hit! The children are busy shopping and then the cashier is scanning the groceries and packing them in bags. 


Listening Center: Little Penguin Stays Awake


Art Easel: Coloring sheets and water color markers


Project Table: Birds Nest Craft. The children could create birds out of cupcake liners and add straw to make a nest.


Puzzles and Games: The game of Memory and Valentine Tic Tac Toe have been added.


Discovery Table: Rainbow Rocks


Math Table: Identifying numbers on small containers and filing them with wood counters. 


Play Doh: We now have pink playdoh along with cutters, scissors, rolling pins and heart cookie cutters to use. 


Show & Tell for letter R will be on Wednesday.



Mrs. Kelley 


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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