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Wrapping up September in the 3's

Good afternoon families,

September flew by and I can hardly believe it is October 1st! At the beginning of each month, Mrs. Renoni and I switch out the materials and toys in the learning centers. Next week they will have lots of new things to explore. A quick note... We know how exciting it can be to watch your little one at school and you may want to document the small moments that you actually get to see. However, in order to respect the privacy and safety of our students and staff, please refrain from taking photographs and video recording at morning drop-off and outside when you pick your child up. If you would like to take a photo of your child, a great place to stop in the morning is right by the Jack & Jill sign on your way in! Thank you for your cooperation.

This week at MORNING MEETING we read Who can go to school? by Rozanne Williams. The kiddos loved this silly book, ask them to tell you about it! We also danced to the Freeze Dance and the silly Bear Hunt. We also fed our class monster different colored apples.

Here is what’s new in CENTERS this week!

Math Table: The students played with foam peg boards and different colored pegs. They lined up the pegs, counted them and labeled the colors.

Art: Lots of painting this week! On Thursday, each child painted a person. Today, they used glue bottles to stick on collage pieces. We also glued on a printed photo of each child's face to complete the project. Check them out on the bulletin board next week. Note: If your child was out this week, they will have a chance to make one next week.

Sensory Table: We added split peas to the table this week. The students had lots of fun scooping with shovels and pouring with cups. We are still learning to keep the contents of the sensory table IN the table. We did have some peas flying in the air a few times so you may find some stray split-peas in your child's clothing!

Discovery Table: The children played a feelings emoji matching puzzle. They also had lots of fun building with big, magnetic tubes and balls.

Thanks to all who sent in family photos this week. Our family tree bulletin board is looking great! If you haven't sent one in and would like to, you can send it in any time, there is no rush. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday! Enjoy the photos below!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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